You Will Grow To Love Me
Geneine Honey
29 Oct → 13 Nov 2004

Geneine Honey ‘You will grow to love me’ 2004, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2004. Photography by  Christian Capurro.

You Will Grow To Love Me is a new body of work by Geneine Honey.

The work examines the value of the hand made object in a contemporary consumer society. Presented from a child’s perspective, the work features an oversized handcrafted soft toy placed next to a large blown glass babies' bottle that embodies a projected image of a 4-wheel drive.

As the projection bounces through the glass, it becomes translucent and creates a mesmerising optical illusion like that of a hologram – vague and subtle but reminiscent our constant exposure to seductive images of commodities.

Geneine Honey is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist working in video, projections and installation.