Ryan Andrew Lee
5 Mar → 3 Apr 2022
Wonnarua is a moving image installation by Ryan Andrew Lee that aims to provoke discussion around themes of Indigenous ways of living in juxtaposition with western settler-state system's unsustainable, damaging ways of using stolen lands.
Presented in the West Space Window, the video diptych contrasts living portraits of six First Nations people from the Wonnarua Nation with drone shots of the Muswellbrook coal mines, which are situated in the heart of Wonnarua Country.
The West Space Window is supported by City of Yarra through the Yarra City Arts Annual Grants Program.
Ryan Andrew Lee is a conceptual artist whose works explore alternative ontologies and epistemologies which are strongly influenced by First Nations, spiritual and universal philosophies of life and mind. Ryan's works are sometimes factually and historically based (whether that be a positive or negative history) and are always created with the intent to educate, raise awareness on and offer up alternate perspectives on cultural, environmental (and sometimes political) issues in hopes to provoke further discussion.