What works best (each thing I do I rush through so I can do something else part two)
Jacqui Shelton
16 May → 14 June 2014

Jacqui Shelton, ‘What works best (each thing I do I rush through so I can do something else part two)’, 2014, installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2018. Photography by Christo Crocker.

Addressing the place of art in the social space of conversation, and the influence of conversation and rumour in art, this work focuses on metaphors of travelling, movement, consistent fluctuations, scripting, and ideas taking new form as they shift between people. The art object is a vessel for the transferral of ideas and questions between people.

This project supplies a platform for discussion, which is focused on the influence of conversation itself in art. Performance, suggested actions, and scripted behaviours react to each other like a musical score – one action prompts another. This project removes focus from the art object, and concentrates on the meandering, unfixed position of art in our thoughts and conversation.

Jacqui Shelton is an artist, researcher, and photographer in Naarm/Melbourne who holds a PhD from Monash University.