“Untitled (Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata)”
Benjamin Bannan
3 July → 1 Aug 2021
Untitled (Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata) is a single-channel video work by Benjamin Bannan, showing in the West Space Window.
The work disassembles Giotto Di Bondone’s painting of the same name (1295-1300), and re-stages the composition into a fiction. The figures of Christ and Saint Francis have been removed from the landscape, negotiating a separation between figure and ground. The perspective circles the projection of stigmata, articulated as abstracted lines of transference, demarcating the tension between two absent bodies.
The West Space Window is supported by the City of Yarra through their Annual Arts Grants Program.
Benjamin Bannan's research-lead practice spans video, installation, sculpture, and drawing, and interrogates metrics of modernity through social, cultural and aesthetic lenses. Benjamin participated in the 2019 Festival Lab facilitated by Perth Festival, and was a recipient of the Lowensteins Arts Management Award in 2020.