“Untitled Project (Today Your Love Project)”
Michael Ciavarella, Ross Coulter and Alex Ippoliti
28 Nov → 17 Dec 2011
Ciavarella, Ippoliti, and Coulter ‘Untitled Project (Today Your Love Project)’ 2011, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2011. Photography by Christo Crocker
“Imagine something mysterious rises to the surface on a summer afternoon – shows itself and is gone before it can be identified… By the end of the afternoon, the shape – whatever it was – can barely be remembered. No one can be made to state it was absolutely thus and so. Nothing can be conjured of its size. In the end the sighting is rejected, becoming something only dimly thought on: dreadful but unreal…
Thus, whatever rose towards the light is left to sink unnamed: a shape that passes slowly through a dream. Waking, all we remember is the awesome presence, while a shadow lying dormant in the twilight whispers from the other side reason: I am here. I wait.” – Timothy Findley, Famous Last Words
Michael Ciavarella, Alex Ippoliti and Ross Coulter graduated from the VCA several years ago where they studied Fine Art. While individually they have exhibited locally and internationally, this is the first time the three of them have come together to undertake a project. They collectively share an interest in painting, building, balusters, columns, concrete car parks and the fly fishing practice ponds in Fairfield.
Michael Ciavarella is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.
Ross Coulter is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.
Alex Ippoliti is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.