Ryszard Dabek, Chris Heaphy, Wen-Hao Huang, Gabrielle Jennings, Brett Jones, Chi Wo Leung, Sarah Stubbs and Yvonne Van Der Velden
14 July → 2 Aug 1998

Transaction was an international exchange project based on eight artists from Australia and overseas making art in response to one another. Each artist initiated a work that was passed on to each other artist to make a work in response. Seven groups of work (two artists collaborated) with seven works in each resulted. The project involved the exchange of artworks in the post and dialogue through e-mail.
Each artist dealt with their own social and professional context as a discursive position. The relevance of situation and circumstance between the participating artists was centred around notions of immediacy and displacement as necessary attributes to global transaction.

Ryszard Dabek is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.
Chris Heaphy
Wen-Hao Huang
Gabrielle Jennings is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.
Brett Jones works with ideas around the copy and the original. Using various reproduction mediums including casting, photography, video and sound he is concerned with creating opportunities for displacing and unburdening the referent. He co-founded West Space in 1993 where he was centrally involved until 2008.
Chi Wo Leung
Sarah Stubbs
Yvonne Van Der Velden is an artist in the Netherlands.