Timing (or: What is the secret to good comedy?)
Nick Selenitsch and Arlo Mountford
19 Apr → 11 May 2013

Nick Selenitsch and Arlo Mountford Timing (or: What is the secret to good comedy?)’, 2013, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2013. Photography by Christo Crocker.

Timing (or: What is the secret to good comedy?) consists of series of collaborative kinetic sculptural works by Arlo Mountford and Nick Selenitsch exploring the concept of time.

Machines in the gallery are linked to a series of sensors placed in and around West Space. These sensors trace the movements and daily happenings in the immediate and distant environment: the traffic in the street; the opening and closing of a door; the comings and goings of West Space staff and visitors; dawn and dusk and even the movements of particular constellations across the sky.

The process of marking these intervals turns the exhibition space into something of a time mapping machine. As a live recording of daily events the machines will dance their way to a kind of unexpected aural and visual theatre: a theatre of the rhythmically absurd.


Nick Selenitsch is a Naarm/Melbourne based artists with Honours in Fine Art (Painting) from the Victorian College of the Arts and a Masters in Cultural Material Conservation from the University of Melbourne.

Arlo Mountford completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Melbourne University's Victorian College of the Arts in 2002, and in 2003 undertook a studio residency at Gertrude Contemporary.