The View From Here: 19 Perspectives on Feminism
Jessie Angwin, Emilie Zoey Baker, Laura Castagnini, Barbara Cleveland, Madeleine Donovan, Rachel Fuller, Tamsin Green, Anna Greer, Mariam Haji, Kiera Brew Kurec, Jo Latham, Parachutes for Ladies, Hannah Raisin, Dunja Rmandic, Jessie Scott, Daine Singer and Nella Themelios
14 May → 29 May 2010

The View From Here pairs eight writers with eight artists to examine contemporary feminist ideas and their application to emerging arts practice.

Over ten months the artists and writers built a discourse that directly feeds into the outcomes of this project which include an exhibition and publication. Over this time new relationships were forged, opinions navigated and, in some cases, collaborations formed.

The View From Here incorporated a range of visual and written works exploring themes of identity, sexuality, gender politics, representation, post feminism, and femininity. The works are indicative of emerging perspectives on feminism – views that are non-prescriptive, and that reference the past whist carving out a future. The result is a cacophony of voices that represents the myriad of feminisms being negotiated in our time.


Jessie Angwin is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Emilie Zoey Baker is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Laura Castagnini

First called Brown Council, Barbara Cleveland were an Australian artist collective directed by Diana Baker Smith, Frances Barrett, Kate Blackmore, and Kelly Doley. The collective take their name from the mythic feminist performance artist who they recovered from the margins of Australian art history.

Madeleine Donovan is a Sydney based artist.

Rachel Fuller is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Tamsin Green completed Masters in Fine Art at Monash University. She is actively involved in the Melbourne ARI network as a curator, writer, practitioner and advocate.

Anna Greer

Mariam Haji

Kiera Brew Kurec graduated from the Victorian College of the Arts with a BFA Painting in 2007 and graduated with first class Honours in 2010. Kiera has exhibited and performed in Melbourne, Brisbane, Newcastle, Berlin, and New York.

Jo Latham

Parachutes for Ladies is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Hannah Raisin is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Dunja Rmandic is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Jessie Scott is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Daine Singer is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Nella Themelios is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.