“The Purveyor of Life”
Ed Wakeham
14 May → 30 May 2004
Ed Wakeham ‘The Purveyor of Life’ 2004, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2004. Photography by Christian Capurro.
"There is no fruit sweeter than the Pineapple. It is the embodiment of light – the ultimate harbinger of tropical paradise. From the first rays of the sun that touch the fields of truth, the Pineapple is annointed at the zenith of Freshness.
The expediter and purveyor of the Pineapple is the supermarket known as Safeway. Within the isles of mercy the Pineapple can be found on the second stretch of its journey. Once purchased it may be returned to the soil and the rivers – continuing the cycle of life." — Ed Wakeham
Ed Wakeham is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.