The Edible Woman
Meredith Turnbull
16 Nov → 8 Dec 2012

Meredith Turnbull ‘The Edible Woman’ 2012, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2013. Photography by Christo Crocker.

Something between the blurry image of a woman in a hand held mirror and the bulbous Nanas, Meredith Turnbull's The Edible Woman is an interior sculpture project comprised structures, decorative columns and wall painting. It explores notions of excess, embellishment, adornment and décor with an emphasis on object language, form and abstraction.

Through art-historical reference and oblique appropriation the project draws on a variety of sources from the literary work of Margaret Atwood, Catalan Romanesque art, 1970s textile printing to artworks by Constantin Brancusi and Niki de Saint Phalle.


Meredith Turnbull's work focuses on the potential and practical implications of the subject areas of sculpture and craft and a territory between the intimate, interior and large-scales.