Greatest Hits
12 June → 4 July 2009

TACOCAT is a new work by collaborators Greatest Hits.

There is no escape from the hours and the days. Neither from tomorrow nor from yesterday because yesterday has deformed us, or been deformed by us…

Yesterday is not a milestone that has been passed, but a day-stone on the beaten track of the years, and irremediably part of us, within us heavy and dangerous. We are not merely more weary because of yesterday, we are other, no longer what we were before the calamity of yesterday.

"She was all like that’s what it looks like I don’t care about what it looks like what’s the content? the content? so before that she um…what am I talking about… ah yeah she was talking about what was going to be in the show… asking and I said it was all confidential we had a joke about that I tell her she will die in seven days if I told her she got all serious and asked what’s it about? About? And I said it like it was some taboo thing… like you want me to get into a little box… what the content oh the content… I fumbled around with words Ideas… oh well… we are a group so we make in a group oh so it’s about process if your going to bring up something that unifies everything we have done it is that we have done it but it’s not always about the group laughed and that was the end of the conversation."

Greatest Hits is a collaboration between Gavin Bell, Jarrah de Kuijer and Simon McGlinn.