Slippery Mattering
Isadora Vaughan
7 Mar → 5 Apr 2014

Isadora Vaughan, Slippery Mattering, 2014, installation shot, photo credit: Christo Crocker

Rather than making with a predetermined outcome Isadora Vaughan's Slippery Mattering suggests we are collaborators with materials.

Entering into conversation with the properties and responding to the behaviours of material gestures and forms, Slippery Mattering plays with what happens when doing and trying confront the forces of gravity, mass, and form in relation to the making of sculpture.

Isadora Vaughan is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist working in sculpture. Her practice unpacks and experiments with material as geological, temporal, associative and emotional. Her works manifest out of a chaotic exploratory process into basic states of matter and a desire to personalise, dislocate, and disrupt traditional material hierarchies.