Sarah crowEST
5 Sept → 4 Oct 2014
Gallery 1

Sarah CrowEST, SELVEDGE, ORDER, RUPTURE, installation shot, 2014, photo credit: Christo Crocker

SELVEDGE, ORDER, RUPTURE involves a research trip to West Flanders, Belgium to gather flax derived materials from their source – a wondering/wandering with and through the transformation of materials as one thing becomes another. There is a narrowing down and an opening up as matter is engaged as vital and dynamic with deliberately undetermined outcomes.

The aim is to test processes that are responsive to the provocations of materials and their movements as they track from raw states through industrial processes, around global circuits and on through shifting cycles of purpose, decay and recuperation.

And then…. there is some ‘art’ in the gallery – a snapshot of phase transition or tumbleweed in idling mode. This provides a chance to catch some agglomerated matter (mound activity) and used cloth surfaces wherein lie the signs of incidents and interventions from laser cuts to finger/pigment rubbings which rupture and cohere. These range from 3D constructions to a flirtation with the conventions of ‘painting’ that is preoccupied with the stretching and unstretching of cloth and those things that occur at the edges.

Here, artist Sarah crowEST is developing a range of apparel that includes an ongoing repair and renovation service under the moniker of BLOTCHWOMAN productions.

Sarah crowEST is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist operates across contemporary art, design, craft and performance. Underpinned by a deep appreciation for sound and architectural forms, her recent output combines painting, working apparel, diagrammatic scores and the graphic qualities of text.