“Reflected Waves”
Eric La Casa and Jean-Luc Guionnet
8 July → 23 July 2005
Eric La Casa & Jean-Luc Guionnet ‘Reflected waves’ 2005, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2005. Photography by West Space
Reflected Waves refers to the geographical term, wave-tide, in a progressive way, which spread across a local basin turning backward the direct wave.
The installation is initially defined as a representation of a specific environment through sound : on one hand, the gallery, on the other hand, the city of Melbourne.
“A geometrical problem, that of mastering proportion, but also an exercise in thought and perception, which consists of knowing how to judge the real size of the things, their true size.” Jean-Marc Guinnoet
Reflected Waves is part of Liquid Architecture 6 – the annual festival of sound arts presented by ((tRansMIT)) and RMIT Union Arts.
Eric La Casa and Jean-Luc Guionnet are sound artists from Paris who have been working regularly together since 1998. If Eric La Casa has always studied the question of sound environment, Jean-Luc Guionnet works with a wider sphere of musical activities in many areas of sound.