Ken Wentworth
26 May → 10 June 2006

"The only contemporary art worth the effort is that which attempts a ruthlessly detailed examination of the scope of human existence and identity, in order to open it up to the free play of understanding and action. All the rest, however fascinating, is merely stylised entertainment, which is, ultimately, enslaving." David Broomfield, Identities – a critical study of the work of Mike Parr

With Poparazzi, Ken Wentworth uses existing media iconography and repositions it into a new framework, enabling an alternative cultural dialog. Visual puns and suggestive titles combine to create didactic parables.

Imagery from popular culture becomes a sign post that alludes to characteristics of contemporary society and personal reality, enabling us to be in on the joke, and to question and critique aspects of both our culture, and ourselves.


Ken Wentworth is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist who studied at Melbourne University's Victorian College of the Arts.