Pong Ping Paradise
Laith McGregor
25 Nov → 17 Dec 2011

Laith McGregor ‘Ping Pong Paradise’ 2011, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2011. Photography by Christo Crocker

Laith McGregor’s Ping Pong Paradises is executed over the duration of one year.

The drawing installation will include a work-bench/ping pong table to be used as a tableau of thoughts, jokes, concepts and nightmares, the inner workings of an artist's mind. The table has been covered in paper, to be used/recorded in conjuction with his regular studio practice. With one question in mind: “What does one think of while you creating a new work of Art?” What are the periferial ideas, notes to self etc? And are these ideas as important as the finished work being produced?

The table was set up as a functional table tennis table to be played on in the space through the duration of the show, McGregor encouraged the audience to engage with the work by reading his inner thoughts while playing Pong. Ideas, note, dreams and scribbles shooting back and forth between the audience.


Laith McGregor’s practice spans drawing, painting, sculpture and video. His intricately drawn works, using ballpoint pen, have been shown in Australia and internationally.