Play it again
Avni Dauti
22 Nov → 14 Dec 2013

Avni Dauti, ‘Play it again’, 2013, installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2013. Photography by Christo Crocker.

The videotape rewinds, the footage is animating backwards along the reversed double arrows on the corner of the screen. The unseen inside the VCR player, the tape cocooning layer after layer while the other side of the reel unravels. The differing measures and durations between two machines interrogate the (in)visibility of the archive, framing the installation, Play it again.

Play it again investigates the obsolete technology and its interaction with archival materials. The project examines outmoded domestic technologies, using an archaeological approach to excavate and assemble media in other contexts. Employing old and new media to experiment with and deconstruct an alternate approach on the machine to discursive notions of media archaeology, the archive, and the machine.

Avni Dauti is a multidisciplinary artist based in Naarm/Melbourne. Dauti completed an Honors degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts at Monash University in 2013. In 2019 he has undertaken a residency with Rebecca Vaughn at Rupert in Lithuania, and has previously exhibited at West Space, TCB Art Inc., Living Museum of the West, TRAMA Centro, Seventh Gallery, Kings ARI, MADA Gallery, and Kingston Art Centre.