Opening Act, 2016
Fiona Macdonald
14 July → 14 Aug 2016
Bourke Street Mall, Gallery One

Fiona Macdonald ‘Opening Act, 2016’, installation view: West Space, Bourke St Mall, 2016. Documentation by Christo Crocker

Opening Act is an exhibition in two incomplete parts: a deconstructed film, a badly performed score, an overture to an inconclusive performance.

Anticipation and disappointment score and celebrate each part: exhibition space and discursive space laminate in a form of temporal drag.

Overture begins; audience takes their place. Stage left – audience enters, overture frames the audience. Anticipation collides with expectation: aiming to please...

Stage Centre; dialogue, action. Actors take their place; audience anticipates.

Within the éphranique, ontologies seek their other, characters –artist, art, audience – take their place as determinations of the screen. Redemption waits for something to happen…

Opening Act is part of an ongoing series of exhibitions that collapse the critical space of artwork and exhibition as a way to critically engage the contemporary condition of the artwork as already-appropriated art historical document. The problem of working with such nihilistic conditions unfolds in the public space through its unmet expectations.

Fiona Macdonald is an artist based in Melbourne, Australia. Her work has been screened, exhibited and published nationally and internationally since 1985.