One thing after another
Sean Kerr
14 July → 14 Aug 2016

Sean Kerr ‘One thing after another, 2016 installation view: West Space, Bourke St Mall, 2016. Documentation by Christo Crocker

One thing after another by Sean Kerr exploits the uncertain terrain of DIY electronics, activating objects with sound, video, computer programming, audience and the unconventional.

By playfully intertwining these processes, methods and systems within an art context, it opens up the unorthodox use of the found object fused with sound responses, DIY and the role of the collaborator and the artist. The creation of One thing after another assumes a strategic reliance on intuition, improvisation and, to some extent, goes against the grain of traditions and conventions of current fine art/new media art forms through its use of visual/aural simplification and interaction limitation.

The installation employs found objects that are activated by event scripts and video sensors to trigger sound, objects, pneumatic solenoids and video. To capitalise on a New Zealand term, number 8 wire, an expression used to describe something that has been fixed in an unorthodox but resourceful way, This show has been ‘N8W-ed’ to bring various methods and materials together in an indirect and sometimes longwinded way that is dynamic, physical and sonically spatial.

Sean Kerr lives and works in Auckland, New Zealand, where he is a Senior Lecturer at Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland. He is currently undertaking further studies as a candidate for DOCFA and has a produced two books, Bruce is in the garden, so someone is in the garden, and Pop. Both were published by Clouds publishing.