Odd Property
Agnes So
19 July → 10 Aug 2013

Agnes So ’Odd Property’, 2013, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2013. Photography by Christo Crocker.

Odd Property is a series of scripted performances by Agnes So depicting a subject that is purposefully engaging with, and contemplating upon, their experiences with a series of everyday objects.

These performances seek to elevate the insignificant moments of day-to-day life, asking the viewer what it means to experience something that is seemingly nothing, and how they and the others around them, perform within the theatre of the everyday.


Agnes So is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist from Aotearoa. Her practice is centered on an interest in the visual and corporeal relationships between subject, object and viewer. After graduating with a Master of Fine Art from RMIT University in 2011, she has exhibited both locally and internationally.