Ngura Kunpu (Strong Country)
Peter Mungkuri and Tiger Yaltangki
13 Nov → 12 Dec 2015

Peter Mungkuri & Tiger Yaltangki ’Ngura Kunpu (Strong Country)’, installation view: West Space, Bourke St Mall, 2015. Documentation by Christo Crocker

Peter Mungkuri and Tiger Yaltangki harness a gripping presentation of traditional and contemporary painting practice from the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands of South Australia.

Peter Mungkuri’s landscape paintings shimmer with a romantic and stoic reverence for the country he knows intrinsically. Retired from a lifetime career as a desert stockman, Mungkuri paints from memory the stories and detailed landscape of his country. Embellishing his canvas with drawings and iconography Mungkuri paints, with authority, the beauty within the expansive desert country of the APY Lands. 

Tiger Yaltangki’s boldly resolved paintings depict ghost like figures of men and beast. Incorporating self portraits, he draws inspiration from cultural law and Men’s Business. Yaltangki’s practice is influenced by culture and country. Referencing the Indulkana community and rock music by Led Zeppelin and Credence Clearwater Revival, his practice is heavily influenced by science fiction programmes such as Doctor Who and The Mighty Boosh.

These two men each have prolific arts practises and have exhibited extensively throughout their careers.

Peter Mungkuri is a respected tjilpi (senior man), director for Iwantja Arts, and the current Chairperson for the Indulkana community. Before coming to a painting practice in the early 1980’s, Mungkuri held a career as a renowned desert stockman.

Tiger Yaltangki is a contemporary painter, he grew up in the Indulkana community and has painted at the Iwantja Arts studio for many years.