Matthew Greaves
22 Mar → 13 Apr 2013
Matthew Greaves ‘MF’, 2013, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2013. Photography by Christo Crocker.
The prop-comedic video and sculptural works in MF draw heavily on the fraught agitprop of the men’s rights movement to denude anti-feminist arguments and some locals who propound them.
“At once sophisticated and banal. Deceptively “progressive” and proudly backward. It deploys both the “new” findings of “scientific research” and the dime-store moralism of yesteryear; it turns into media sound bites both the glib pronouncements of pop-psych trend-watchers and the frenzied rhetoric of New Right preachers.” — Susan Faludi
Matthew Greaves is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist who employs readymades and performance in his low-tech sculptures, videos and photography.