“loosen the earth”
Lucina Lane
18 Mar → 16 Apr 2016
Lucina Lane ‘loosen the earth’, 2016 installation view: West Space, Bourke St Mall, 2016. Documentation by Christo Crocker
Flitting, in the midst of objecthood and…? Questions beckon over the edge. Is there anywhere to sit? How can an artwork behave critically?
loosen the earth is an exhibition of new paintings by Lucina Lane.
Lucina Lane is an artist from Melbourne. Select recent exhibitions include: Pleasure is a guiding principle, 215 Flemington Rd (curated with assistance from Nic Tammens); Sydney Van Tour, Punk Café x Centre for Style; Hugs and Quiche, Elizabeth Studios (curated with Nellie Reinhard); and Read, TCB artinc. In 2015, Lane participated in The Expanding and contracting universe of Painting at Gertrude Contemporary. She is a board member of Melbourne artist-run gallery TCB art. inc.