“Looking out over the board // you can see reflections of algae”
Red Slyme Incubator
28 May → 26 June 2022
Red Slyme Incubator (RSI) looks to develop their ongoing incubation of collaborative non-human interactions and invocations.
For looking out over the board // you can see reflections of algae in the West Space Window, RSI look to the honoured, abstract antagonism of chess. Inspired by chess engines – in particular the open-source engine 'Stockfish' – and the interaction between human and non-human in competitive play, RSI find processes of becoming through the shrine-like interactions of jewellery, chess pieces, and a red and green chessboard. This moment of inception is fuelled by the image of Red tide (the discolouring of coastal waters with algae bloom), a rupture within the apparent harmony of nature.
The West Space Window is supported by the City of Yarra through their Annual Arts Grants Program.
Red Slyme Incubator (RSI) is a collaborative practice between Hannah Hallam-Eames, Samuel Jackson, and Red Algae. RSI utilises strategies of making and installation practice that develops the character of RSI as a single but non-discrete entity of becoming. Taking the image of red tide -the over blooming of toxic red algae- as their foundational impetus, RSI sees within the rupturing spirit of red tide, a potential for an impassioned subject, where red signals blood, wine, passion, and desire, and a potential counterweight to the fungible, over-promising shades of green. Influenced by science fiction, and anti-humanist philosophies, RSI think of their practice as a genesis, the development of an egregore, or golem, that must be invoked but always remains absent and opaque.