It's broken, twisted, busted and crap
Kieran Stewart
16 May → 14 June 2014
Gallery 3

Kieran Stewart, Its broken, twisted, busted and crap, 2014, lead, bronze, thermoplastic, aluminium, AB foam, polyurethane resin, installation shot, 2014, photo credit: Christo Crocker

It's broken, twisted, busted and crap presents a series of objects by Kieran Stewart. Misshapen and half-destroyed, each have suffered abuse and damage. Twisted and deformed to a point of almost comical absurdity. Forms that may be familiar with known functions, subjected to warping by harsh physical forces.

Corrupted objects presented as if abandoned mid-way; like ruins, they have deteriorated between their prior and pending form. Formal shape and defined materiality of these objects will never be complete.

Kieran Stewart is a Naarm/Melbourne based visual artist working across the mediums of video, image making and sculptural installation. His practice revolves around exploring gross excess and notions of exhaustive labour; affecting stresses such as physical and mental exhaustion.