Holiday Inn
Minna Gilligan
22 Feb → 16 Mar 2013

Minna Gilligan transforms West Space into a crudely spliced together hybrid of the studio and gallery. The walls, draped with fabric and peppered with collage cut-outs, facilitate an informal ‘pin board’ hang that is transient throughout the length of the exhibition. What remains consistent is the relentless onslaught of colour that is signature to Minna’s practice, and, the long ago memories from the ‘60s and '70s she has manufactured.

The central desk, littered carelessly with abandoned cut-outs, textas and scribbles – invites willing participants to contribute with drawing and collage to the eerie, nonsensical narrative that will unfold in the space throughout the exhibition’s duration.


Minna Gilligan is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist who works primarily with painting, drawing and collage.