Hockey Plot
Kylie Ligertwood, Simon Pericich, Maria Luisa Marino, Brodie Ellis, Karen Heath and Rehgan de Mather
23 May → 14 June 2008

Group Exhibition ‘Hockey Plot’’ Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2008. Photography by Christo Crocker

Hocky Plot brings together artists based across the Gippsland and Melbourne.

Kylie Ligertwood, Simon Pericich, Maria Luisa Marino, Brodie Ellis, Karen Heath and Rehgan De Mather collaborated over a period of nine months, encouraged to explore socio-cultural landscapes and notions of territory, boundary and environmental politics.

Curated by Claire Watson, Hockey Plot actively bridged the geographical and socio-cultural space between regional and metropolitan based artists, bringing artists from disparate art practices together, transcending artistic boundaries and forging new partnerships using innovative means of communication in the process.

Seeking to broaden the notion of an artist’s practice as being more than a solitary enterprise driven by a singular set of aesthetics and preconceived creative values, artists were challenged by multiple and sometimes conflicting interests, with the resulting works shown across the Gippsland and Melbourne.

Kylie Ligertwood is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Simon Pericich

Maria Luisa Marino is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Brodie Ellis is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist.

Karen Heath is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.

Rehgan de Mather is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.