Wang Changcun and Melanie Velarde
12 Oct → 3 Nov 2007
Gallery 3

Wang Changcun and Melanie Velarde met performing together in Shanghai, China in 2006. They share an interest in electro-acoustical compositions that take their origins in phonography. In opposing different field recordings they aim to create abstract soundscapes and to generate artificial sonic landscapes within a new environment.

With Gulliver, they probe and confront each other with their individual compositions based on field recordings ranging from the mountains in North China to Germany’s suburban wastelands.

Wang Changcun performs throughout China. Her works were selected for CHINA: the Sonic Avant-Garde, the first compilation of Chinese sound art released by the California-based label Post-Concrete, and her work, The Mountain Swallowing Sadness, was released on Sub Rosa in 2006.

Melanie Velarde is interested in the spatial and semiotic properties of mostly existing sound. She uses field recordings to produce audio/sensual textures that can be experienced within a defined space, usually in form of sound and video installations.