Quenton Miller
28 Oct → 19 Nov 2011

Quenton Miller ‘Grey’’ 2011, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2011. Photography by Christo Crocker

Grey is an exhibition of approximately 50 drawings by Quenton Miller with a dark sense of humour. They have a simple, repetitious, pictographic style that is similar to advertising or political cartoons. The heart of these works emerges in the gaps between images and captions; they’re more concerned with what we think rather than what we see.

They are a struggle between the controlling nature of drawn and written symbols, and the possibility of seeing freely. Miller sees this graphic language as an analogue for the coercion or oversimplification of modern media, where it’s assumed that to see the caption is to see the light.

The drawings are between A5 and A1 in size, often built up with many layers of white outing and repainting or displayed as reproductions with printer’s marks and dates displayed.


Quenton Miller is an artist in Naarm/Melbourne.