Giving away something that is free
Jessie Bullivant
17 May → 8 June 2013

‘History is our audience’, group show, 2013, installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2013. Photography by Christo Crocker.

Giving away something that is free investigates the relationship between the size of an action and it’s weight by employing space in a high volume daily publication.

Working in a number of contexts and capacities, Jessie Bullivant is interested in the relationships between actions and events that occur inside and outside of the gallery, both arranged and incidental. To this end, fields as diverse as transport, construction, communication and others are not merely referenced but employed in the making of work. The interaction with these independent systems has the potential to extend the dimensions of the work beyond the architecture of the gallery and community of the artist.


Jessie Bullivant is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist. She produces work that draws on histories of conceptual art and institutional critique in dialogue with social and feminist practices. Her work interrogates the operation of power structures, by engaging with systems of communication, bureaucracy and interpersonal dynamics.