Each as the Other
Kiera Brew Kurec
19 July → 10 Aug 2013

Kiera Brew Kurec ‘Each as the Other’, 2013, Installation view: West Space, Bourke Street Mall, 2013. Photography by Christo Crocker.

Each as the Other is a performance work by Kiera Brew Kurec exploring points of flux and dualities, while striving for harmonic unison within two bodies and their spatial environment.

During the exhibition, the artist and another performer repeat a simple sequence of choreographed moves over the course of each day. The two performers begin standing in diagonally opposite corners of gallery, facing outward, their backs turned to each other; their fronts pressing in the very corners of the room. They stay in this position for 30 minutes. The performers then turn and face each other and walk to meet each other in the centre of the room.

In the centre of the room, they stand face to face, bodies pressing against each other for 30 minutes. They then return to their corners and repeat the process. The performers are dressed in middle grey matching uniforms, and the gallery is also painted grey, acting as a neutral setting for the performance to take place while creating a space of equality, being a mix of both binary opposites of black and white.


Kiera Brew Kurec graduated from the Victorian College of the Arts with a BFA Painting in 2007 and graduated with first class Honours in 2010. Kiera has exhibited and performed in Melbourne, Brisbane, Newcastle, Berlin, and New York.