7 vs 9
Isabelle Sully and Lewis Fidock
10 Oct → 8 Nov 2014

Lewis Fidock, Hoarder, 2014, hand printed silkscreen on raincoat, acrylic, enamel, plasterboard, sandpaper, fibreglass, varnish, 119 x 53cm, photo credit: Christo Crocker

7 v 9 takes its name from a famous debate within Australian art history: the seven Antipodean artists who, in 'defense of the image' opposed the proliferation of abstraction in Australia, and the Sydney Nine who contrarily critiqued the dogmatic approach to the figurative as being inadequate for our time.

Lewis Fidock and Isabelle Sully have made a collection of paintings and sculptures that force visual contradictions and pilfer stylistic tendencies to ruminate on the cultivation of current Australian art practice.

Isabelle Sully works as an artist, curator and writer. Her research is primarily concerned with the relationship between culture and administration, a lens through which the art institution is seen as legislator. Originally from Melbourne, she is now living in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, as she completes her Masters in Art Praxis at the Dutch Art Institute.

Lewis Fidock completed Honours of Fine Art at Melbourne University's Victorian College of the Arts in 2013. Lewis’ past and future projects include Sarabande (curated by Lewis Fidock), Goodtimes Studio, 2012, The Future Is Long Enough For It All To Come True, Kings ARI, 2013, Das Boot (curated by Oscar Perry and Esther Stewart), Next Wave Festival, 2014 and an upcoming solo exhibition Thunder In Aspic, TCB, 2014. In 2012 Lewis has been the recipient of both the Myer and Majlis Encouragement Awards.