Hillary Goidell, Anna Seymour, Fayen d'Evie, Pippa Samaya and Andy Slater
To Catch a Thing in Flight

Hillary Goidell 'To Catch a Thing in Flight' (2021)

To Catch a Thing in Flight (2020) is the third translation in a chain of ekphrastic works catalysed by Fayen d'Evie. It offers an audio and textual description of the gestures, facial expressions and movements performed in an earlier video work, Shape of an Echo (2019) by Anna Seymour, Fayen d'Evie and Pippa Samaya, which was filmed at the historic prison HM Bendigo. Shape of an Echo is itself a translation of an original sound work, Hauntings (HM Castlemaine) (2019) by Andy Slater, a sound artist who is blind, and who composed the work from field recordings taken along corridors, cells and dungeons of a similarly historic gaol in Castlemaine. The star-like architecture of both gaols at Castelmaine and Bendigo, emulates English and American prisons from the early nineteenth-century, designed to control deviant citizens through surveillance, sensory deprivation, solitary confinement, and enforcement of silence.

Fayen d'Evie, Anna Seymour and Pippa Samaya 'Shape of an Echo' (2019)

Andy Slater 'Hauntings (HM Castlemaine) (2019)

Hillary Goidell is an artist in San Francisco. She collaborates with choreographers to photograph their creative process, both emotional and physical, and expands on this work through multisensorial research and audiodescription. She also documents larger processes like end of life; these images act as imprints for accessing embodiment and lived experience.

Anna Seymour is an Australian born dance artist and performer based in London. Anna is currently a dancer with Candoco Dance Company, an international dance company of disabled and non-disabled dancers. Anna has been dancing and touring with Candoco since September 2020.

Fayen d'Evie is an artist and writer, born in Malaysia, raised in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Fayen advocates blindness as a critical position that radically agitates ocularnormative biases, offering methods for navigating intersensory conversations, the tangible and intangible, hallucination, uncertainty, the precarious, the invisible, and the concealed. With artist Katie West, Fayen co-founded the Museum Incognita, which activates collective readings of neglected and obscured histories.

Pippa Samaya is a Belgium/Melbourne based photographer/film-maker with two overlapping specialisations of practice: dance/movement, and humanitarian documentary.

Andy Slater is a blind media artist from Chicago, working in the mediums of sound, extended reality, web art, science fiction,i nstallation and performance. Much of his art is focused on accessibility, blind way-finding, and sonic drifting.